WikIDONIC – The IDONIC Encyclopedia
Transmission mode in which the data is represented by a continuously varying electrical signal transmitted by common telephone lines.
Application or functionality refers to a set of activities performed to respond to the needs of users in a given situation or context. It can also be called a solution.
Any program that uses the processing capabilities of another program.
Verification or validation of the identity of a user when it connects to the network, for example in a terminal when it is intended to validate access or a timesheet, as in the case of a timecard reader.
Hour Bank:
According to Article 208 of the Labour Code, it is a timekeeping method. “2 – The normal working period may be increased up to four hours per day and may reach 60 hours per week, with a limit of 200 hours per year. 3 – The annual limit referred to in the preceding paragraph may be withdrawn by collective labour regulation if the use of the system is aimed at avoiding a reduction in the number of workers, and may only be applied for up to 12 months.”
[bio (life) + metrics (measure)] is a technology widely used for individual recognition through the physical and behavioural characteristics of the human being. Facial recognition and fingerprint recognition are two forms of biometrics.
Acronym for the English term “Back light compensation”, is a function where the background lighting on an image is compensated electronically in order to provide details of the image that in a normal camera would appear darkened.
It stands for closed-circuit television. A closed-circuit television system consists of a monitor together with cameras located at specific points for the purpose of recording and transmitting images to one or more local or remote monitors.
Analog CCTV:
In this setup, the video signal transmission is analog and the signal transmits on a coaxial cable. They are usually made up of cameras, DVRs (digital recorders with 4, 8, 16 channels, etc.) and monitoring systems (on-site or remote).
A data transmission standard for a local area network. It operates on twisted pair and coaxial cable at speeds of up to 10 megabits per second.
“Frequently Asked Questions” about a certain subject.
Set of operating instructions that are programmed directly into the hardware of electronic equipment. Firmware can be updated as required
General Packet Radio Service is a technology that increases data transfer rates in existing GSM networks.
English language term in general use by which a set of physical components (mechanical, magnetic and electronic) are designated that belong to a system.
Functionalities and tools for the use and movement of any information system, be it material or virtual.
IR or Infrared:
The application of infrared radiation or thermography is the use of an infrared camera to “see” or “measure” the thermal energy that is emitted by every object or material existing in nature. Thermal or infrared energy is non-visible light, since its wavelength is too long to be detected by the human eye.
TCP/IP connection:
Transmission Control Protocol and IP (Internet Protocol, or interconnection protocol). Acronym for the English term “ultra high frequency”, which means ultra frequency that emits a digital signal at a distance.
Verification Mode:
There are two modes of registration in the terminal: verification (1:1) and identification (1:N).
Pica ponto:
A usual expression in the Angolan market, referring to a timecard reader. Synonyms for a timecard reader are: timesheet, timekeeping terminal, employee time clock equipment.
Picagem de ponto (Time Tracking):
Processo de marcação, registo ou validação no relógio de ponto normalmente no local de trabalho, ficando registada a hora que se efetua esta ação.
An operating system that enables efficient connection between hardware and software, for example the IDONICSYS Platform, from IDONIC.
Timecard Reader:
Instrument/device, usually operated through digital technology, for the purpose of recording working hours, and the number of hours worked each day, also allowing time and attendance control.
Radio Frequency, or RFID- Radio Frequency Identification.
Hybrid CCTV Systems:
They allow for the connection, within the same system, of IP cameras and analog cameras. Therefore, bringing the two camera systems together into a single solution and eliminating the need for two individual and isolated systems for viewing and recording.
IP CCTV Systems:
In IP systems, the transmission of the digital video signal is done through a structured network. In addition to the IP cameras, recording systems are required, either dedicated (NVR) or server-installed Software.
Generic English term that designates a program or set of programs stored in a computer.
Completely self-sufficient systems, equipment or programs, that is, for their own operation they do not require any auxiliary software.
Mifare Technology:
It consists of a PVC card with a small memory capacity chip and an internal antenna that senses the reader’s proximity through the magnetic field identified by the card frequency (RFID). The working frequency of a MIFARE card is 13.56 mHz.
RFID Technology:
Radio Frequency Identification, without contact and without the need for a visual identification. Technology usually associated with personal identification cards. A digital RFID system functions as a real-time data acquisition system with the advantage of eliminating manual and visual human interventions, thus streamlining transition time and ensuring efficiency and effectiveness.
All the equipment available to the user, namely the one that serves as an interface with a more comprehensive information system.
TFT Touch screen: Thin film transistors (TFT) are the best variant of LCD technology and more flexible, because each pixel is controlled individually. This is achieved through the use of various transistors.
Acronym for the English term “Wide dynamic range” and is an image function that exists in quality cameras and that aims at obtaining images with sharpness in different environments: Where the camera is in backlight, or with lots of light, where you want a good visualization of people’s faces, usually next to cash registers; where there can be large areas of light and shade.
Small updates, fixes, are necessary modernizations for a better operation of the product, without the need to change it. Term applied only to Software.
Upgrade to a newer version. A term used more in version updates and Hardware technologies.